Scientific Studies

Scientific Studies on Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases


Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in follicular cell-derived lesions of the thyroid: Is NIFTP benign or precancerous?
Neslihan Kurtulmuş, Fatma Tokat, Mete Düren, Hakan Kaya, Burak Ertaş, Ümit İnce.
Turk J Surg 2022; 38 (1): 60-66


Medicine, 2021,100:46
Number of cells in parathyroid tissue in primary
hyperparathyroidism cases and its relationship
with serum calcium value
Mirkhalig Javadov, MDa,∗ , Emrah Karatayb, Kıvılcım Ulusan, MDc, Adnan Ozpek, MDd, Og!uz Idiz, MDc, Mete Duren, MDe, Serkan Sari, MDf, Fırat Demircana, Gulderen Demirel, MDg, Husniye Dagdeviren, MScg, Ayse Yigit, MScg, Fahrettin Kelestimur, MDh, Erhan Aysan, MDa


Med Bull Haseki 2018; 16:4

Multifokal tiroid papiller kanserlerinde boyun metastatik hastalığı

Metastatic neck disease in multifocal papllary thyroid cancer

Ertaş B, Kaya H, Özdilek A, Giray S, Tokat F, Düren M.

September 2017 EuPA Open Proteomics

Protemic analysis reveals differential protein expression in variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma
Ucal Y, Eravci M, Tokat F, Duren M, Ince U, Ozpinar A

August 2016 European Thyroid Journal

BRAFV600E Mutation: Has It a Role in Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis of Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Kurtulmus N., Ertas B., Saglican Y., Kaya H.,Ince U.,Duren M.

Kurtulmus N, Duren M et al BRAF v600E mutation in Turkish patients with papillary thyroid cancer: strong correlation with indicators of tumor aggressiveness. Endocrine 2012 February.

Düren, M. & Karatas, A. Minimally invasive procedures in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. New Horizons in Surgery: Laparoscopic Surgery (Cerrahide Yeni Ufuklar: Laparoskopik Cerrahi). Baskan, S. & Özmen, M. (Eds.), pp. 259-276.

Düren, M. & Karatas, A. Endoscopic thyroid and parathyroid diseases. Laparoscopic Surgery (Laparoskopik Cerrahi). Polat, C. (Ed.), pp. 261-265.

Düren, M. Thyroid Gland Diseases, Parathyroid diseases, surrenal gland diseases. General Surgery (Genel Cerrahi). Bilgel, H. (Ed.), pp. 351-391.

Düren, M., Ates, G. T., Karatas, A., Karabulut, K., Giray, S. & Hatemi, H. (2007). A rare cause of neck mass: N Vagus Schwannoma. Journal of Trends in Endocrinology (Endokrinolojide Yönelisler). 16:6, pp. 184-186.

Düren, M., Giray, S., Karatas, A., Toygarli, H. & Düren, E. (2007). Minimally invasive procedures in thyroid surgery. Turkish Journal of Surgery (Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi), 23:4, pp. 142-147.

Düren, M. (2007). Parathyroidectomy, open and minimal approach procedures, the anatomy of parathyroid glands. The Anatomy of General Surgery Operations, part 3, pp. 123-125. Jamieson, G. G. (Ed.). Yildirim, M. & Ipek, T. (Trans. Eds.). Nobel Medical Publishers, Istanbul.

Düren, M. Minimal thyroid and parathyroid surgery. The 2nd. Uludag Congress of Current Approaches in General Surgery, 8-11 March, 2007. Grand Yazici Hotel, Uludag.

Kiliç, I., Sunamak, O., Aydogan, F., Sen, B., Altintas, B., Düren, M. & Özcan, M. (2007). LigaSure Precise® use in thyroid operations: A comparison with the conventional method. Eur. Surg., 39/1: 54-56.

Düren, M., Hatemi, H., Ates, G. T. & Düren, E. Primary hyperparathyroidism. The Turkish experience. Bulgarian Surgical Society XII National Surgical Congress with international participation, 5-8 October, 2006. Kempinski Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria.

Düren, M., Karatas, A., Giray, S., Emirleroglu, M. Minimal access thyroidectomy (MAT) is a safe, economic and cosmetic alternative besides Kocher's conventional procedure. Turkish National Surgical Congress (Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi), 24-28 May, 2006. Sungate Port Royal Hotel, Antalya.

Düren, M. (2006). Intrathoracic thyroid lesions. Journal of Medical Sciences (Türkiye Klinikleri), (2) 47: 60-64.

Düren, M. & Düren, R. (2006). The measurement of rapid parathyroid hormone for predicting symptomatic hypocalcemia in postanesthesia care unit after total thyroidectomy is safe and effective. Thyroid, 16 (12).

Düren, M., Giray, S., Emirleroglu, M. (2006). Minimal access thyroidectomy is a safe, feasible, economic and cosmetic alternative to conventional thyroid lobectomy. Lagenback's Archives of Surgery, 391 (1): 48.

Düren, M., Giray, S., Karatas, A., Toygarli, H. & Düren, E. (2006). The measurement of rapid parathormone for predicting symptomatic hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy: A prospective clinical study. Turkish Journal of Surgery (Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi), 1 (22), 3-6.

Düren, M. (Ed.) (2005). Thyroid Cancer. Nobel Medical Publishers, Istanbul.

Düren, M. Surgical approaches in microcarcinoma. The 5th. Post-Graduate Course in Medical-Surgical Endocrinology (5. Medikal-Cerrahi Endokrinoloji Mezuniyet Sonrasi Egitim Kursu), 8-11 December, 2005, Bursa.

Düren, M. Treatment of medullary thyroid cancer. Congress of Current Approaches in General Surgery (Genel Cerrahide Güncel Yaklasim Kongresi), 25-27 November, 2005, Bursa.

Düren, M. Thyroid and parathyroid surgery. The 7th. National Endoscopic-Laparoscopic Surgery Congress (7. Ulusal Endoskopik-Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi), 18-21 September, 2005, Istanbul.

Düren, M. Recurrent thyroid cancers. Thyroid Diseases and Surgery (Tiroid Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi). Isgör, A. (Ed.), 38: p. 45

Düren, M. Recurrent thyroid cancer. Thyroid Diseases (Tiroid Hastaliklari). Ünal, G. (Ed.), 38: p. 495

Ekmekçi, H., Sönmez, H., Öztürk, S. G., Düren, M. & Kökoglu, E. (2003). Relationship between fibronectin and sialic acid levels in patients with thyroid cancer. Journal of Trends in Endocrinology (Endokrinolojide Yönelisler), 12 (3): 86-89.

Lorenz, K., Miccoli, P., Monchik, J. M., Düren, M. & Dralle, H. (2001). Minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy: Multiinstitutional study. World Journal of Surgery, 25: 6: 704-707

Düren, M., Siperstein, A. E., Shen, W., Duh, Q-Y., Morita, E. & Clark, O. H. (1999). Value of stimulated serum thyroglobulin levels for detecting persistent or recurrent differentiated thyroid cancer. Surgery, 126: 13.

Düren, M., Yavuz, N., Bükey, Y., Özyegin, A. Ö., Gündogdu, S., Açbay, Ö., Hatemi, H., Uslu, I., Önsel, Ç., Aksoy, F., Öz, F., Ünal, G. & Düren, E. (2000). Impact of initial surgical treatment on survival of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: Experience of an endocrine surgery center in an iodine-deficient region. World Journal of Surgery, 24: 1290.

Düren, M., Kadioglu, P., Yavuz, N., Açbay, Ö., Aksoy, F., Bükey, Y., Uslu, I. & Hatemi, H. (2000). How reliable is serum thyroglobulin in patients with recurrent thyroid cancer living in endemic areas? Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, suppl. 7: 14.

Düren, M., Duh, Q-Y., Siperstein, A. E. & Clark, O. H. (2000). Recurrent or persistent thyroid cancer of follicular cell origin. Current Treatment Options in Oncology, 4: 339

Kanmaz, B., Erdil, T.Y., Yardi, O. F., Sayman, H. B., Kabasakal, L., Sönmezoglu, K., Önsel, Ç., Düren, M. , Nisli, C., Özcan, K. & Uslu, I. (2000). The role of Tc-99(m)-tetrofosmin in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Nuclear medicine Communications, 21: 4: 333-339.

Düren, M. Our experience in surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism. Eurosurgery, 24 June, 2000, Istanbul. Abstract Book: 52.

Düren, M., Yavuz, N., Salihoglu, Z., Gözis, G. & Ertem, M. (1999). Transcervical videoendoscopic parathyroidectomy. Turkish Journal of Surgery (Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi), 15 (1): 57-60.

Hamzaoglu, I. H., Düren, M., Apaydin, S., Altiparmak, R., Erek, E. & Sanyar, M. Surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney failure. Turkish National Surgical Congress (Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi), 6-10 May, 1998, Izmir. Program and Abstract Book: 47.

Düren, M., Duh, Q-Y., Bükey, Y. & Clark, O. H. Thyroid reoperations in iodine deficient and sufficient areas. Thyroid One, 7 October, 1998, Linz. Abstracts.

Düren, M. Problems related to multinodular goiter in a country with endemic areas. Eurosurgery, 17-20 June, 1998, Budapest. Final Program: 42.

Düren, M. Chirurgie des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms: Wissenschaftliche Kolloquien des Zentrums Chirurgie, 7 December, 1998, Halle. Program.

Düren, E. & Düren, M. (1997). Recurrent thyroid cancer. In Clark, O. H. & Duh, Q-Y (Eds.), Textbook of Endocrine Surgery (Chapter 19: 141-146). Philadelphia: WB Saunders.

Düren, M. Reoperative Thyroid Surgery. The 37th. World Congress of Surgery, 24-30 August, 1997, Acapulco. Final Program: 193.

Düren, M., Duh, Q-Y., Siperstein, A. E. & Clark, O. H. Reoperation for persistent or recurrent thyroid cancer: A challenge for the endocrine surgeon. The 37th. World Congress of Surgery, 24-30 August, 1997, Acapulco. Abstract Book: 294.

Shen, W., Düren, M., Morita, E., Higgins, C., Duh, Q-Y., Siperstein, A. E. & Clark, O. H. (1996). Reoperation for persistent or recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism. Archives of Surgery, 131: 861-869.

Düren, M., Siperstein, A. E., Shen, W., Duh, Q-Y., Morita, E. & Clark, O. H. The measurement of serum thyroglobulin in the hypothyroid state for detecting persistent or recurrent differentiated thyroid cancer. The 19th. National Endocrinology-Diabetology and Endocrine Surgery Congress (19.Ulusal Endokrinoloji-Diyabetoloji ve Endokrin Cerrahisi Kongresi), 28-31 May 1996, Istanbul. Abstract Book: 02-23.

Düren, M., Açbay, Ö., Bükey, Y., Özyegin, A., Önsel, Ç. & Hatemi, H. Reoperative parathyroid surgery. Turkish National Surgical Congress (Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi), 15-19 May, 1996, Antalya. Program and Abstract Book: 61.

Shen, W., Düren, M., Morita, E., Higgins, C., Duh, Q-Y., Siperstein, A. E. & Clark, O. H. Reoperation for persistent or recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism. The Pacific Coast Surgical Association, 17-20 February, 1996, San Diego. Scientific Program: 25

Düren, M., Al-Sobhi, S., Shen, W., Siperstein, A. E., Duh, Q-Y. & Clark, O. H. Prophylactic, curative and palliative thyroidectomy: Long-term outcome. Fourth International Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery, 11-17 August, 1996, Hawaii. Abstracts: 10-13.

Düren, M., Öz, F., Aki, H., Bükey, Y. & Özyegin, A. Papillary thyroid cancer: Can metastasizing be predictable? Eurosurgery, 16-18 October, 1996, Rome. Br J Surg, Vol. 83, Suppl. 2: 42.

Düren, M., Ertem, M., Bükey, Y. & Düren, E. Carcinoma of the thyroid: An analysis of a personal series. Turkish National Surgery Congress (Ulusal cerrahi Kongresi), 9-15 June, 1994, Istanbul. Abstract Book: 82.

Özyegin, A., Düren, E. & Düren, M. Hydatid Cyst of the Thyroid. The 10th. Convention of Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical School, 18-22 September, 1989, Istanbul. Program and Medical Bulletin 1: 62.